Midnight Suns devs 'absolutely' knew cards would be a controversial choice, but they were also 'absolutely the right fit for this game and our design goals'

Midnight Suns devs ‘absolutely’ knew cards would be a controversial choice, but they were also ‘absolutely the right fit for this game and our design goals’

In a talk at last week’s Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Firaxis game director Joe Weinhoffer broke down the evolution of Marvel’s Midnight Suns’ tactical combat and explained the thinking behind the game’s most polarizing element: using cards to represent superhero powers.

“Is it odd that we have cards in a tactical superhero game? Yes, absolutely,” Weinhoffer said early in the talk. “We knew this would be a controversial choice, and that reception and first impressions would be mixed. We certainly had plenty of people see the game and say ‘oh, it has cards in it? Eh, nevermind, not for me.’ But was it the right fit for this game and our design goals? Yes, absolutely.”
