Microsoft Flight Simulator adds a bunch of European cities, letting you grab Zagreb and try The Hague

Microsoft Flight Simulator adds a bunch of European cities, letting you grab Zagreb and try The Hague

I love how Microsoft Flight Simulator exists in the background now, like the distant roar of an overhead flight path. Not only is it just nice to have a shiny, new version of one of the gaming OGs there to pick up and play at any time, every now and then it drops an absolutely gorgeous new trailer showing off some wild technical wizardry or hyper-detailed new cityscape. That’s exactly what’s happened now, with Flight Sim’s latest update inviting you to pay a flying visit to an eclectic collection of European cities.

Titled ‘City Update V: European Cities I’ (6-3 on aggregate), the new update introduces five new urban centres to the game. These are the Dutch city of The Hague, Belgium’s Brussels, Croatia’s Zagreb, Spain’s Cádiz, and Košice in Slovakia.