Microsoft Edge Browser

Microsoft Edge now wants to know why you’re leaving, temptation to say ‘it’s not you it’s me’ increases

Ah, Microsoft Edge. When the topic of which browser to use rears its ugly head, the room tends to quickly devolve into two main camps: Chrome or Firefox, with an occasional incursion from a group of Safari enthusiasts in the corner. However, when the debate dies down and there’s a lull in the conversation, a tiny voice appears from the back. “Microsoft Edge isn’t bad these days”, the little voice notes. Everyone sagely nods. The room goes quiet again. And then we all go back to using something else.

As anyone who’s had the pleasure of installing Windows 11 recently will tell you, Microsoft Edge has become increasingly indignant as you try and force it back to the netherworld from whence it came, and according to Neowin we now live in a world where Edge accepts your decision, but it just wants to know why.