Meet the actual therapist using Dragon Age to teach relationship skills

Meet the actual therapist using Dragon Age to teach relationship skills


The Dragon Age fandom is notoriously full of armchair psychologists. We love to shamelessly pick apart and project onto our faves—admittedly with mixed accuracy. But listening to Dragon Age: Origins get dissected by an actual practicing therapist makes even conversations with the most capricious party members sound like they finally have the subtitles for human interaction turned on.

I first caught wind of Dr. Mick in a TikTok clip of a notorious conversation with Origins party member Sten. Your Qunari warrior companion approaches you at camp in what feels like an aggressive confrontation, quickfiring back-to-back questions about your plan for stopping the Archdemon and the blight of zombified darkspawn. “Guess who’s anxious?” Dr. Mick declares, before going on to explain how Sten is expressing his anxieties by looking to his de facto leader for clarity. Instead of going on the defensive, Dr. Mick chooses what had always seemed to me a way-too-blunt response: “I’m not here to impress you.” He’s rewarded with an unimaginable +6 approval from Sten.
