Image for Maupiti Island was a detective game unlike any other

Maupiti Island was a detective game unlike any other


From 2010 to 2014 Richard Cobbett (opens in new tab) wrote Crapshoot, a column about rolling the dice to bring random games back into the light. This week, a detective mystery that you could call the Dark Souls of adventure games… except that Dark Souls at least had a decent translator on its side.

Consider the bullet well and truly bitten. Maupiti Island is one of those games that’s been on my list for years now, and I mean that literally. To know it is to be obsessed by it. To actually play it, well, that’s another matter. To decrypt its secrets, and I don’t even mean in terms of plot, practically demands a Rosetta stone—along with the standard adventurer supply of a really big bag of Malteasers. It only takes 10 minutes to finish, but getting to the point where you can do that legitimately… and have a clue what’s going on… could be a matter of months, or even years. 
