Manage your inventory to PvP glory in the demo of autobattler Backpack Battles

Manage your inventory to PvP glory in the demo of autobattler Backpack Battles

My love of games where you play inventory Tetris is well-known. I do not make a secret of this. I like to snugly fit a health potion in beside my spare dagger and weird stuff I’ve picked up off the latest shopkeep or slain demon. I have also played perhaps too much Dota, and therefore I like it when two or more items become one, stronger item.

Backpack Battles delivers unto me just that. Plus, it’s a twist on the PvP autobattler genre that lets you play asynchronous multiplayer against others as you build and inventory manage your way to victory. Each round you get money to purchase from the shop with before you go into combat against an opponent at the same level as you. Win or lose, you move forward, combine some items into new ones, gain HP, and make new purchases.