Alien starship travelling through deep space viewed from nearby planet surface

Major sci-fi magazine halts submissions due to flood of stories written by AI chatbots


Whereas artificial intelligence has long been the subject of popular science fiction writing, nowadays it’s writing it. That’s causing a bit of a headache for the editors over at popular sci-fi and fantasy magazine, Clarkesworld (opens in new tab). The magazine has put a halt to new short story submissions due to a spectacularly high increase in spam, mostly linked to a rise in popularity of chatbots, such as ChatGPT.

We’re not talking about sentient AIs with humanoid bodies walking among us, or all-powerful computers with hauntingly human emotions gone wrong—those which have been written about in sci-fi since well before it was cool and regularly show up on the covers of Clarkesworld. But even today’s text-generating algorithms are causing a headache for editors.
