Lost Ark's Witcher crossover is a disappointment

Lost Ark’s Witcher crossover is a disappointment


Like every MMO, Lost Ark has an endgame it wants to hook you with so you keep playing forever. You’re not done when you hit level 50. That’s just your character level, my sweet summer child. After that there’s a gear level to push up, and up, a slog of a grind that takes hundreds more hours.

It’s alleviated by a steady drip-feed of additions courtesy of developers Smilegate. The biggest of these add entire new continents with quests that extend the storyline, while between those expansions we get smaller events, often taking place on an island somewhere.

(Image credit: Amazon Games)

The latest of these is a crossover with The Witcher, which is an odd choice. While Geralt has cameoed in other games like Soulcalibur 6 and Monster Hunter World, The Witcher is dark fantasy in the Elric tradition, while Lost Ark is so light you need shades. In fact I have a pair, a set of deliberately pixelated “8-bit” sunglasses that are part of my extensive collection of ridiculous cosmetics alongside a pumpkin head, a dinosaur costume, and a bright pink helmet shaped like a local triceratops creature. Even when Lost Ark stops being frothy and aims for dramatic, it’s undercut because the camera cuts back to me and I look like a mouse dressed as a naval officer.

