Lost Ark Twitch drops guide

Lost Ark Twitch drops guide


Lost Ark Twitch drops are in-game rewards for the free-to-play MMO you can earn by watching participating streamers, usually those who are members of the Lost Ark creators program (opens in new tab), via Twitch. (Or by having their streams open in another tab while you should be working, if that’s how you roll. I’m not the boss of you.) Those players you’ve probably seen zooming around Arkesia on the top of golden electric hoverboards while accompanied by pets that look like mystical foxes earned them from earlier Twitch drops given away to celebrate Lost Ark’s launch. More items have been given away regularly since.

With this guide, you’ll be able to score sweet free loot just just like those high-flying fancypants. You’re welcome.

What Lost Ark Twitch drops are available?

