'Lore-accurate' Dawn of War 2 mod lets you make it more like Dawn of War 1

‘Lore-accurate’ Dawn of War 2 mod lets you make it more like Dawn of War 1

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2 shrunk the classic RTS down to squad-scale, presenting its battles as a series of close-range skirmishes between at most half-a-dozen units on each side. If you miss the larger scale and variety of factions in the original Dawn of War, the Codex Edition mod, which just released version 3.0, is for you.

Its focus is making Dawn of War 2 into “a more immersive, fluff-accurate, and realistic experience”. It increases the range of weapons, adds base building (though unlike the original Dawn of War, base building isn’t connected to research), ups the population capacity, and adds new units, including super-heavies like Imperial Knights and Gorkanauts. The zoom distance has been tweaked as well so you can pull back and see more of what’s going on.
