It looks like Stadia-exclusive horror Gylt will shortly release on other platforms.
Whilst not confirmed formally by Rime developer Tequila Works, a tweet on the studio’s official Twitter channel posted cover art from the game with the word “soon”.
Back in October – when Google confirmed plans to shutter its cloud gaming service Stadia, which closed down earlier this week – Tequila Works confirmed its formerly Stadia-exclusive action-adventure Gylt would be going multiplatform next year. But whilst we knew it was coming to other systems, the studio had said very little else… until now, anyway.
We still don’t have a release date or any indication of what those other platforms just may be, but at least we know the Stadia-exclusive won’t die alongside the platform it launched upon.
I enjoyed my time with Gylt, calling it “genuinely unsettling lite horror”.
“While playing it safe and a tad predictable, Tequila Works carefully layers on new gimmicks and mechanics as you progress through Gylt, allowing you to organically build on your knowledge and start experimenting,” I wrote in Eurogamer’s Gylt review.
“It’s these flashes of inspiration that can make Gylt’s gentle puzzling such a joy, so it’s frustrating we don’t see more of them. And while there’s not much here for the hardcore horror fan, don’t be deceived into thinking the eerie, tense Gylt is just for kids: it’s really not. It is, however, a little expensive for such a brief, if atmospheric, experience.”