Life By You screenshot

Life By You director says modders are welcome to monetize creations however they want: ‘Go for it—you don’t need our permission’

If you think your folder of Sims 4 custom content is stuffed, its upcoming competition Life By You wants to attract even more mods to clog your downloads folder. Life By You envisions itself as a highly customizable modder’s paradise, and unlike the tension that can exist between The Sims 4 and Patreon-funded modders, Life By You says “monetize all you want—you don’t owe us a dime.”

In a recent interview with PC Gamer, Life by You creative director Rod Humble, who was previously head of The Sims and Second Life, took a totally permissive view of modding in general. “Player creativity is good for us,” Humble said. “It’s good for us [even if] we don’t make a dime because it was made using our game.