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‘Leaked’ Starfield image turns out to be AI-generated fake


On Reddit today, someone posted what they claimed was a leaked screenshot from an upcoming Starfield cinematic trailer. They deleted the post, but that’s the image above. If it were a genuine leak, it’d be a pretty crappy one, but it isn’t even that.

The image was created with the Midjourney image generator, according to another Reddit poster (opens in new tab), whose proof is a clear, unedited version of the image which they credit to “Jessyplayford.”

The original image used in the “leak,” which was supposedly generated by Midjourney. (Image credit: RuleOf72I/Jessyplayford)

The “leaked” image was made to look like a blurry off-screen photo—all good videogame leaks are snapped while jogging by someone’s monitor—and the Jodie Foster-esque character looks kind of like a character who appeared in the 15-minute Starfield gameplay reveal last year. Aside from looking like it could be a genuine Starfield image, what made the fake leak somewhat convincing is that it didn’t actually reveal anything. It’s easy to accept that something’s a leak if nothing of consequence was actually leaked.
