Last Epoch key art with five characters representing each class standing in front of a portal

Last Epoch cracks down on item duplicates and gold exploit: ‘We don’t think it’s a very controversial statement to say that abusing an exploit, ruining the game for all players is not acceptable, and that doing so should result in a ban’

The curse of the online action RPG strikes again: real-money trading and gold exploits. Lost Ark was plagued by it and now Last Epoch is too. 

Last Epoch developer Eleventh Hour has posted a statement on the subject, saying, “We take exploits within Last Epoch very seriously and ensure that any time an exploit comes up, we give it our full and immediate attention. We strictly enforce our Terms of Use when it comes to exploits and RMT (Real-Money Trading), and as such, one can expect that abusing such exploits or engaging in RMT, both buying and selling, will result in a permanent account ban.”