KRU Esports Upset Sentinels With Elimination Victory at VCT Champions

KRU Esports Upset Sentinels With Elimination Victory at VCT Champions


With a shocking defeat that Sentinels certainly didn’t see coming, the North American esports organization is out of VCT Champions after a 1-2 loss against underdogs KRU Esports.

While the first map, Fracture, didn’t seem to trouble Sentinels at all, the following two maps were an entirely different story.

Behind some great plays from TenZ and SicK, Sentinels successfully secured a 13-7 victory in the first map over their Argentine counterparts despite Fracture being the map pick of KRU.

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The second map, Haven, once again saw Sentinels taking a considerable lead in the first half as they went 8-4 over KRU. However, some great teamwork and coordinated plays on the attacking side enabled KRU Esports to mount an amazing comeback and close the game 13-11 in favour of KRU.

A third game on Split followed, and Sentinels had a head start once again with a 8-4 lead over their opposition. After the side swap, KRU retaliated, and they bounced back hard with their Pistol round win on the attacking side to ensure one round win after another that ultimately resulted in a 13-11 score in favour of KRU Esports.

With these two consecutive victories, KRU Esports sent Sentinels home in what many considered to be the biggest upset in the VCT Champions so far.

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