Krafton Announces BGMI India-Korea Invitational Friendly Match

Krafton Announces BGMI India-Korea Invitational Friendly Match » TalkEsport




Krafton, the developer behind Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), recently announced the BGMI India-Korea Invitational, a friendly BGMI match between two gaming power houses – India and South Korea. The much-anticipated tournament is scheduled to unfold later this year, bringing together the finest teams from both nations for an exhilarating showdown.

Krafton re-launched BGMI in India on 29th May 2023 after getting a green signal from the government. However, the developers had to make a few changes to the game as recommended by the government. On 29th August, the game completed its three-month trial period set by the government.

Krafton, seizing the opportunity of the game’s re-launch, held its first press conference on 29th May 2023. Various media companies and industry insiders attended this event, and Talk Esport had the opportunity to attend it as well. During this press conference, Krafton pulled back the curtains on its plans for the future in India. One of the biggest highlights of this press conference was the announcement of a friendly BGMI match between India and South Korea – the BGMI India-Korea Invitational. 

BGMI India-Korea Invitational promises to fuse the competitive spirits of two gaming powerhouses – India and South Korea. This event is scheduled to take place between October and December 2023, most likely following the conclusion of the ongoing BGIS 2023 on 14th October. This event will be the first of its kind since BGMI’s launch in the country in 2021.

This unique event will witness 8 of Korea’s Battlegrounds Esports teams engage in a friendly face-off against the top 8 BGMI teams. The Indian teams participating in this event will be the top 8 teams in the BGIS 2023 Grand Finals. Notably, BGMI does not support international matchmaking. As a result, Krafton will fly the Korean teams to India to compete in this event. 

The BGMI India-Korea Invitational will be a huge event for the Indian BGMI community. Interestingly, Indian teams have not played any global or international tournament over the last year due to the game’s suspension. It will be interesting to see how Indian teams perform in this event.

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