Kevin Conroy found recording the Arkham games frustrating: '‘What the f**k do they want me to say?’

Kevin Conroy found recording the Arkham games frustrating: ‘‘What the f**k do they want me to say?’


An official Warner Bros. interview has resurfaced featuring the late Kevin Conroy, the actor best-known for his lengthy stints as the voice of Batman in the animated series and Arkham games, who died in November last year (opens in new tab). While the topic under discussion is mostly his time on the animated show (and series co-creator Bruce Timm is also in there), Conroy at one point begins discussing his time on the Arkham games and not, it must be said, in a wholly positive light.

The full clip can be seen above (spotted by fandomwire (opens in new tab)) but the necessary context for this is that Conroy’s just been discussing the difference in feel between recording for a radio play, where all the actors are in the same room together with their scripts, and the process necessary for recording videogame dialogue. 
