kennyS, pashaBiceps Among Substitutes Named for PGL Major » TalkEsport

kennyS, pashaBiceps Among Substitutes Named for PGL Major » TalkEsport



After the unveiling of the initial seeding and matchups for the Major in Stockholm, PGL also revealed the substitutes registered by each time, along with their full roster.

Every team registered a sixth player/coach, which is now allowed as per Valve’s new ruling to have a back-up player in case one of them tests positive for COVID-19. This was done to prevent disqualification, as PGL clearly stated that anyone who tests positive, and puts others at risk of the Virus, may get their team disqualified if deemed necessary.

Hence each team has registered an additional member as a precautionary measure.

The biggest reason to smile for fans would be the naming of Jaroslaw ‘pashaBiceps’ Jarząbkowski to Team Liquid’s roster as 6th man. Pasha has been with Team Liquid as a streamer since August 2020, and was deemed fit to stand in if needed.

This was also due to the fact that coach Eric ‘adreN’ Hoag had to sit out of the Major, with the birth of his first child due soon.

Veteran AWPer Kenny ‘kennyS’ Schrub was registered as the substitute for G2. He is still under contract with G2, after being benched in March 2021. G2 will call on his services should any of their players need to sit out of the Major.

The full list of players registered as substitutes is down below:

  • kennyS (G2)
  • pashaBiceps (Liquid)
  • bodyy (Vitality)
  • allu (ENCE)
  • flamie (Entropiq)
  • NaToSaphiX (CPH Flames)
  • Patsi (Spirit)
  • Aqua (BIG)
  • ztr (NIP)
  • Xizt (Heroic)
  • JDC (MOUZ)
  • groove (Gambit)
  • Kingfisher (Renegades)
  • felippe1 (paiN)
  • bladE (Movistar Riders)
  • coachi (Sharks)
  • chucky (GODSENT)
  • daps (EG)
  • innersh1ne (FaZe)
  • decenty (FURIA)
  • B1ad3 (NAVI)
  • Bubzkji (Astralis)
  • dastan (VP)
  • Karsa (TYLOO)
