Just how bad was the Aerosmith videogame, Revolution X?

Just how bad was the Aerosmith videogame, Revolution X?


From 2010 to 2014 Richard Cobbett (opens in new tab) wrote Crapshoot, a column about rolling the dice to bring random games back into the light. This week, are you ready to rock? I SAID, ARE YOU READY TO ROCK? Well, too bad, because music just got declared illegal. You disgusting, degenerate scum.

Revolution X likes to declare “MUSIC IS THE WEAPON.” I suppose it’s a snappier tagline than the original, “A MACHINEGUN WITH INFINITE AMMO IS THE WEAPON”, or the even more honest “ABANDON SANITY ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE.” In the arcades, this was one of the louder rail shooters, in the home, still one of the more surreal. It’s also definitely a case where buying the damn game was definitely cheaper than trying to win it with a pocket full of change, especially as having at least one friend helping out is almost essential when things get tough later on.

