John Carpenter's latest gift to gaming

John Carpenter’s latest gift to gaming


I love John Carpenter. How can you not, after all he’s given us? There might not be a game that carries his name, but the entire medium is in debt to the tension of all-time horror classic The Thing, to the deliriously over-the-top spectacle of Escape from LA (and of course to Snake Plissken, who from his first appearance in 1981’s Escape from New York laid down an early archetype of the digital hero).

Video games are enamoured with John Carpenter, and he loves them back in turn; his passion for playing anything from Sonic Mania to Assassin’s Creed has been well chronicled, and it’s a small shame he’s not going to be directing the adaptation of his beloved Dead Space he recently inadvertently revealed.

Carpenter has recently given the world of videogames another small gift, and it might be one of the finest yet. In one of his regular short appraisals of whatever he’s playing at any particular time, Carpenter recently delivered his verdict on the recent Dead Space remake. ‘E.A.’s refurbished DEAD SPACE is exciting and scary,’ he wrote. “Great game!’
