Siggi Zilwig

It’s weird that the Fallout TV show glosses over one of the series’ biggest antagonists

🚩🚩 NOTE: Big spoilers inbound! 🚩🚩 

I was planning on making Amazon’s Fallout TV show last at least a week, but by Sunday evening I’d devoured all eight episodes. My love of Fallout has been dwindling since Fallout 4’s launch back in 2015, but the misadventures of Lucy, Maximus and the Ghoul have reignited my Fallout fervour. It’s more than a great videogame adaptation; it’s simply a great TV show. 

But something’s missing, and I don’t just mean the supermutants—seriously, though, where are they at? I can’t walk a yard in Fallout without bumping into them. Anyway! For all the dangers the trio face as they wander across the Wasteland—from stoned organ harvesters to hungry gulpers—their journey is absent a larger-than-life, scenery-chewing villain like Fallout’s Master or Caesar from New Vegas. 

(Image credit: Obsidian)

In the first episode, Moldaver is set up as Fallout’s Big Bad. Her attack on Vault 33 and subsequent kidnapping of Hank is the impetus for Lucy’s journey, but after that her presence is barely felt. She’s mentioned a couple of times, and we learn a tiny bit about her background through the Ghoul’s flashbacks, but she doesn’t show up again until the final episode, where she gets to reveal the true nature of Vault-Tec before being killed off unceremoniously.