Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) regularly introduces engaging in-game events, each offering a set of exclusive rewards. These compelling cosmetics items, as well as the prestigious Conqueror frame rewarded by reaching the top rank – Conqueror, has spurred a market for BGMI account sales. Over time, this practice has become increasingly prevalent within the gaming community. However, a crucial question arises: is selling a BGMI account for sale legal? The straightforward answer is NO.
It’s essential to understand the legal implications and potential consequences of this practice. In this article, we will delve into Krafton’s official stance on the matter by having a look at BGMI’s Rules of Conduct.
Is BGMI Account for Sale Legal? See What BGMI’s Rules of Conduct Says
To understand the legality of selling a BGMI account for sale, one must refer to the official rules that govern the game, i.e. BGMI’s Rules of Conduct. Section 5 of the BGMI Rules of Conduct is particularly relevant here, with Sub-section 13 addressing the issue directly. It states:

“13) Do Not Trade/Sell Accounts: Measures will be taken against the act of accessing accounts that are not in your possession and trading or selling the accounts or its game data without the company’s written approval.”
This rule is unequivocal in its intent – trading or selling BGMI accounts or their associated game data without written approval from the company is strictly prohibited. The phrase “measures will be taken” explains that Krafton will not let go anyone found guilty and appropriate actions will be taken against them.
Consequences of Selling a BGMI Account
Players who violate this rule by engaging in the sale of a BGMI account face severe repercussions as outlined in the BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA Rules of Conduct.
According to these rules, the penalty for trading or selling a BGMI account can result in a permanent ban. This means that players involved in such activities may lose access to their accounts indefinitely, along with any in-game purchases, progress, and items associated with their account. Individuals caught buying or selling accounts will face permanent exclusion from the BGMI community.
Therefore, the answer to whether selling a BGMI account for sale is legal remains a firm NO.
The Battlegrounds Mobile India Rules of Conduct explicitly prohibit the trade or sale of accounts and game data without the company’s written approval. This rule exists to maintain the safety, fairness, and integrity of the game. Violations of these rules can lead to severe consequences.
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