London Spitfire are a team looking at a major rebuild. Having dropped most of the Spitfire roster after a disappointing 2021 season, they have retained Danish DPS player Shax and Swedish DPS SparkR, and signed Brit ChrisTFer as head coach.
Jace interviews UK caster and analyst Legday about his views on the London Spitfire and what they can do to get more competitive for the 2022 Overwatch League.
“I think Spitfire were trying to lift the success [academy team] British Hurricane had in Contenders in 2020 into the Overwatch League, but they kind of lost too many pieces along the way,” Legday said, before going into detail around what may have went wrong for Spitfire this year.
Legday also spoke about the players he’d like to see join Spitfire, including sHockWave and more. He also said Exorath is ready to go from the tier 2 level to the Overwatch League.
He said: “Rumour on the street at the moment is that a lot of Overwatch 2 rosters are going for double flex support in mind, so you could pick up someone from British Hurricane (like Skairipa) and Exorath as well, and have the double flex from that.
“Though I do wonder if London will be a little reticent about doing a British Hurricane promo [again] after this year’s debacle.”
“I was a Spitfire fan from day one. Profit is my favourite player ever and Fury is my favourite tank player ever. I was very happy with that season 1 roster.”
Legday continued: “Shockwave is my number one [potential] pick-up for the Spitfire, he is an absolute monster, and the other big boys you want to look at are FDGod and Poko, but I think both of them are much more likely to be going to Paris Legion.
“The hottest take I have is that Spitfire sign Ball (aka Chasm) from Aww Yeah. Ball, as a tank used to playing alone without help, as a bit of a rogue mercenary in the jungles of London, absolutely dominates in a one-tank meta.”
Check out the full interview with Legday here.
Further reading: Interview with Hangar 9’s Tony Ray on following London Spitfire this season and the pain of losing