Icarus adds 3 new missions, makes it easier to find your own corpse

Icarus adds 3 new missions, makes it easier to find your own corpse


Survival game Icarus had a big launch last weekend, but it was a bit of a bumpy ride for players who experienced optimization problems, crashes, and issues with the game’s offline mode. Throughout the week developer RocketWerkz has been hotfixing and patching the game, and heading into this weekend another big patch has gone live.

First, for those who have powered through many or all of the missions in Icarus, three new prospects have been added. In Fire Walk players will have to recover a bio-weapon that was dropped on the planet’s surface, in Wet Work there’s yet another big predator to eliminate, and Solid Metal will direct you to gather resources, process them, and stuff them into drop pods for extraction into outer space.

