Sons of the Forest - Kelvin and Verginia are sitting around a campfire at the edge of a lake

I played 40 hours of Sons of the Forest without the killer cannibals, and it was a blast

Personal Pick

Game of the Year 2023

(Image credit: Future)

In addition to our main Game of the Year Awards 2023, each member of the PC Gamer team is shining a spotlight on a game they loved this year. We’ll post new personal picks, alongside our main awards, throughout the rest of the month.

As an enjoyer of survival games, I feel like one of the few people who didn’t play The Forest. Perhaps that’s a good thing as I didn’t have any expectations going into its sequel: I figured that there would be a few cannibal-related scares to accompany what I assumed would soon be a renewed annoyance for certain aspects of survival games. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised—or at least, I was once I discovered Peaceful mode.

I know, I know: it’s a survival game: the whole point is trying to survive in a hostile world. You’re expected to fashion a crude weapon out of sticks and stones and whatever else you find lying around. Then you need to find shelter and warmth, food, and water, all while under the very real threat of being attacked by the local wildlife and, worse, the island’s more monstrous inhabitants. But it can all feel a bit much. Switch over to Peaceful mode and the whole atmosphere changes—and I think it’s for the better.