I have mixed feelings about HeroQuest's deluxe revival

I have mixed feelings about HeroQuest’s deluxe revival


HeroQuest was an introduction to the joy of rolling dice to kill pretend goblins that was made in collaboration between Milton Bradley and Games Workshop over three decades ago. It was formative for a lot of baby nerds like me at the time, which is why I wrote 1,600 words about HeroQuest’s appeal earlier this year. We’re a grown-up target market these days, so Hasbro secured the lapsed rights and brought HeroQuest back via HasLab, a crowdfunding platform that’s like Kickstarter for expensive toys based on Hasbro licences. The HeroQuest campaign had a million-dollar target. It went over triple that, ending with $3,721,949 in pledges.

The HeroQuest I got for Christmas 30 years ago was sold in supermarkets alongside Scrabble, and cost much less than it goes for on eBay these days. (Supposedly the reason Milton Bradley stopped printing it and cancelled the final expansions was the high overhead of plastic minis—it sold well, but so did products that were cheaper to make.) The new version, while the same game underneath, is more in-line with the presentation of deluxe hobby store exclusives aimed at adults, with a bigger box and upscaled miniatures that make the old ones look a bit dinky.

Forgive my terrible paint jobs on the original minis, but I was an actual child at the time. (Image credit: Hasbro/Jody Macgregor )

More detailed minis are nice, though trickier to paint. The originals, while simplistic, were perfect for making a hash of with your clumsy kid fingers—small areas of ornamentation surrounded by untextured expanses you could hit with one or two colors. I think about the effort it’ll take to paint the new minis and know there’s no way I’ll bother. Even the furniture is fancier, full plastic replacing the cardboard inserts for the fireplace, doors, etc, as well as a tomb that opens. The pegholes for inserting the rats and skulls are gone, but you still get plastic rats and skulls to stick on if you want.

