Corsair Xeneon Flex on desk

I didn’t expect to love Corsair’s bendable OLED screen this much


As well as being faintly terrifying to flex, Corsair’s new bendy OLED gaming monitor turns out not to be the pointless MacGuffin I feared it might be. It’s still going to be seriously pricey, though.

Yes, Corsair today brought down a prototype of its Xeneon Flex (opens in new tab) OLED monitor for me to play with. That’s the one you can shift between a typical flat screen monitor and a curved one, as you see fit. This meant I could get hands-on with the device and see what the fuss was about. And as it turns out, there’s plenty here to get excited about, and not just because of that straight-to-curved gimmick, which actually may not be that gimmicky after all.
