Hunters reveals new maps, characters, and Old Republic's Huttball mode •

Hunters reveals new maps, characters, and Old Republic’s Huttball mode •


Coming to Switch and mobile later this year.

If you’ve been eyeing up Star Wars: Hunters – Zynga’s upcoming free-to-play arena shooter, set in a galaxy far, far away – your curiosity may be passingly piqued by its latest reveals, covering a new game mode, two new maps, and two new Hunters eager to join the 4v4 fray.

Given that Hunters is sort of doing its own thing in a cartoon-y corner of the Star Wars universe, neither of the new characters are exactly familiar faces, but like the boulder-throwing Wookie hunter, droid Jedi, and Jawas duo revealed previously, do at least but fit comfortably within the Star Wars oeuvre. There’s Sprocket – a Mon Calamari armed with an arsenal of droids that can be deployed to injure opponents and protect allies from the comfort of his custom Command Chair – and Skora, a Rodian cartel doctor that can heal and harm with her dart gun.

Star Wars: Hunters – Gameplay Trailer.

Perhaps more tantalising for Star Wars fans, particularly those with a fondness for the series’ video game outings, is the newly revealed Huttball mode, last seen in BioWare’s Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO and now retooled for Hunters’ 4v4 set-up. Here, players go head-to-head on a special battlefield riddled with traps and other hazards, in a bid to score as many goals as possible by getting the ball over the enemy’s line.

Sprocket and Skora in their newly revealed glory.

Huttball will take place across a range of maps, including the sand dunes of Dusty Ridge, one of two newly revealed stages. The other, The Great Hunt, is designed for Hunters’ Escort mode, and sees teams attempting to escort a massive harpoon from the desert terrain of Tatooine to the forest moon of Endor, all in pursuit of a Gorax.

Star Wars: Hunters has currently soft-launched in select territories on iOS devices, but is due to get its full launch on Switch, Android, and iOS later this year.
