Resident Evil 4 may give Skyrim a run for its money when it comes to re-releases: PS2, PC, Wii, iPhone (opens in new tab), PC again, etc. It’s funny, but I did buy three of those reissues myself. RE4 is a near-perfect shooter with a long, generous campaign, inventive encounters, a unique atmosphere, and perhaps the best inventory screen ever. It’s so good already we practically begged Capcom not to bother remaking it (opens in new tab).
Well, Capcom is remaking Resident Evil 4 (opens in new tab), and I owe it to my seventh grade self (who is blasting ganados with a Wiimote in the living room) to try to figure out how they will. What can we expect when we enter the world of survival horror yet again?
(Image credit: Capcom)
Resident Evil 4 landed on something special with its combination of tank controls, swarming enemies, and explosive melee combos set off by shooting weak points. We’ve seen imitations ever since, but nothing quite matched RE4 until the Resident Evil 2 remake, which managed a similar feel alongside quality-of-life improvements like being able to move while you aim.