If you are the type of player who likes to complete achievements in games, then Xdefiant is the title for you. The Ubisoft game is brand new, free-to-play and in its current stage has only 13 achievements in the form of trophies. Looking for the bragging rights for 100% trophies in Xdefiant, then keep reading.

Considered to be the ‘Call of Duty’ killer, the game currently has 13 trophies distributed in 3 tiers- Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Here is a list of trophies and their requirements to be achieved:
- Bronze
- Streaker – Achieve a Killstreak of 5 or higher
- Team Player – Get 50 Assists
- Exterminator – Get 50 Kills
- Winner – Win 10 Matches
- Grand Tour – Complete a Match in 5 different Game Modes
- Damage Dealer – Deal 10,000 damage
- Party Player – Complete a Match in a Party
- Defense Player – Heal or Block 5,000 Damage
- High-Fivist – Send or Receive 20 High Fives
- Silver
- Buzzkill – Cancel 5 enemy Ultras
- All Grown Up – Reach Player Level 50
- Weapon Master – Level up a Weapon to level 50
- Gold
- MVP – Finish 3 Matches as MVP
These tiers are pretty self explanatory- Bronze is the lowest tier while Gold is the highest. Most of these trophies should be unlocked without any special effort. The trophy that would require your best performance is the one in Gold tier. So what are you waiting for, hurry up and fill up your trophy cabinet real quick.