
Amazon’s highly popular MMORPG, New World, has just added the ability to transfer characters from one server to another server with Update 1.03 available today.
With today’s addition of server transfer, players can finally transfer to a more populated server or transfer to a server where they can play with friends. While the ability to transfer character is available globally, the server transfer feature right now only works for transfer within the region i.e North American region players can transfer to servers within the North American region and not to other regions like Europe and Asia.
When will the server transfer feature go live?
While the feature is present in update 1.03, the devs have decided to roll out the feature in a phased manner starting with the Utopia world first, in the AP Southeast region. Devs will monitor transfers in this world, and if anything out of the ordinary occurs the team will manually intervene and fix the issues. If all goes well, the devs will turn on the feature for the rest of the AP Southeast region, and continue monitoring it abit more. After 8 hours of monitoring, if the team doesn’t discover any issues then the character server transfers will be enabled on the other regions as well.
How to transfer Character to another server
As soon as you update the game, a free character transfer token will be available in your account. You can claim the token in the new tab in the in-game store to claim your free character transfer token. Now follow the steps below to transfer character:
- Log into your New World account and select the character.
- Now you need to leave your Company.
- Remove any active Trading Post sell orders and buy orders.
- Your character must be located in a sanctuary (such as a settlement or outpost).
- Now go to the in-game store and click on the “World Transfer” tab at the bottom.
- Claim and purchase your free World Transfer token.
- Choose a new home-world from the list.
- Accept the transfer requirements and confirm the transfer.
- Your character will now be transferred to the server of your choice.
However, there are some restrictions on the servers you can transfer your character to, namely:
- You cannot move your character to a full world.
- You cannot move your character to a world in maintenance.
- You cannot move your character to a world set that you have an existing character in already.
What comes and doesn’t come with your character after a successful transfer?
Since you are switching your server completely, you will retain the following things on your character,
- You will keep all character progression (level, weapon mastery, titles, etc.).
- You will keep your inventory and storage.
- You will keep all of your currency.
- You will keep your houses and housing decorations.
- You will keep all quest progress.
What doesn’t come with your character,
- Company membership needs to be terminated before transferring, and will not carry over.
- Active Trading Post sell orders and buy orders must be removed and will not carry over.
- The “Friends” list is world-specific and will not transfer.