Flooded city

How to start rebuilding in the waterlogged wastes of Floodland


We’ve previously introduced you to the world of Floodland and the priorities you’ll have in this flooded post-apocalypse. The game is out now on Steam and, for those brave enough to dive into what could be the Earth’s future, here are some tips to help you build a thriving (or at least surviving) haven on the waves.

But survival in Floodland is about more than just learning to fish or putting a roof over peoples’ heads. It’s about those people getting on and, when they don’t, managing disagreements in such a way that they don’t fester and become bigger problems. Everyone would agree that a society needs laws but, in a desperate situation where everything’s on the line, people fall into clans and disputes that, ultimately, you’ll have to settle – one way or the other – and with consequences that will be remembered. 

