Hogwarts Legacy locked doors - Demiguise Moon statue

How to open locked doors in Hogwarts Legacy


Hogwarts Legacy’s locked doors and chests lead to a variety of secret areas and legendary gear that you can use when battling dark wizards and goblins. There are locked areas scattered all across Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, and there’s nothing more frustrating in the early game than finding your curiosity stifled by a solid wooden door.

Of course, there’s a spell for unlocking stuff in Harry Potter called Alohomora, and that’s how you’re going to crack open Hogwarts Legacy’s locked containers and treasure-filled chests. While you’re here, you might also want to know how to get a broom (opens in new tab) so you can fly around the map. Otherwise, here’s how to get your hands on the Alohomora spell to open locks in Hogwarts Legacy. 

Where to get Alohomora 

