Hitman Freelancer safe in Sapienza

How to open Hitman Freelancer safes


Hitman Freelancer safes are one of the new features that the roguelike game mode adds, and are a great way to get some extra Merces while you’re out and about killing your target. Unlike the Hitman 3 safes (opens in new tab), you don’t need a specific key code to open them, but will instead have to take part in a little clue-scrounging minigame.

Though they often require a slight detour, these vaults are well worth opening, as they provide you vital currency with which to purchase weapons and kill-capable equipment during your missions. You can then bring these guns or items back to your safehouse and deposit them for later use. That said, here’s how to open Hitman Freelancer safes so you can pocket the precious Merces they contain.

How to find Hitman Freelancer safe clues 

