Minecraft is unquestionably one of the most popular games in the world right now and recently the game has surpassed the one trillion milestone on YouTube. To celebrate it YouTube introduced a temporary special logo.
With the rising popularity, food items in Minecraft are becoming very crucial as they can restore players’ health. Among all the food items, sugar is an item that players need frequently to cook other foods.
In this article, we are going to explain how to make sugar in Minecraft. Keep reading as our step-by-step guide will help you to make sugar easily in Minecraft.
How to make sugar in Minecraft?
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Making sugar in Minecraft isn’t that hard. At first, you need to gather the ingredients mentioned below:
- 1x Sugar Canes
- 1x Honey Bottle
After that, open the crafting table and select one sugar cane to receive 1x sugar. However, you can also select the honey bottle to get 3x sugar.
Once you select them in the correct order, you will see sugar on the right side. Hold and drag the sugar to your inventory to use it.
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