How to get Valorant Prime Gaming Reward For December 2020

How to get Valorant Prime Gaming Reward For December 2020


valorant prime game
valorant prime game

If you’ve been playing Valorant for a while, you’re probably aware of the plethora of weapon cosmetics available to purchase in the game. These cosmetics include gun skins, gun buddies, and other stuff like player cards that make your Valorant account stand out from the crowd.

However, these can often come at a hefty pocket pinch that many players may not be comfortable with spending on a game. Luckily, Riot Games has also provided players with means of obtaining exclusive cosmetics for free through Prime Gaming drops. 

Since September 2020, Riot has introduced a new way for players to earn weapon skins and other rewards in Valorant through Prime Gaming. Players with an active Amazon Prime subscription can redeem exclusive and limited edition cosmetics for the competitive shooter which can be used in-game.

It’s important to note that these free rewards are entirely for cosmetic purposes and provide the players with no additional competitive advantage. So, you don’t have to stress it out if you’re not willing to spend real money on the game.

Riot Games has just revealed the Valorant Prime Gaming rewards for December 2021, and Prime Gaming members can now redeem them for free.

The newly introduced reward is ‘The Bruno Coin Spray’ that can be redeemed by Prime Gaming subscribers.


To claim the Prime Gaming loot in Valorant, players will need an active Amazon Prime subscription. In case you don’t wanna buy a subscription, you can get your first month completely free. Once done, you can visit Prime Gaming’s Valorant loot page to link your Valorant and Amazon accounts to unlock exclusive Prime Gaming drops.

That’s it, now you can redeem your monthly free rewards as long as you have the subscription active.

The loot will refresh after every month, and Riot has confirmed that these exclusive rewards may not be available anytime soon. Neither can you redeem the last month’s reward with your current subscription? So, make sure to redeem them before they’re gone.
