How to Get Rhyhorn, Rhydon & Rhyperior in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

How to Get Rhyhorn, Rhydon & Rhyperior in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl


The Rhyhorn family is undoubtedly a great addition to any Pokemon team out there. Capable of learning a variety of different moves with great type coverage, Rhyperior is one of the strongest Ground and Rock types that you can get in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. 

If you’re looking to get your hands on your very own Rhyhorn, Rhydon or Rhyperior, look no further.

Let’s take a look at where you can find each of these Pokemon in the Sinnoh remakes. 

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Where to Catch a Rhyhorn in Pokemon BDSP

Rhyhorn can be sighted in a number of locations in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, and it’s fairly easy to catch one.

Rhyhorn can be found in the Battle Zone on Route 227 and Stark Mountain, or in the Grand Underground at the following locations:

  • Typhlo Cavern
  • Sunlit Cavern
  • Spacious Cave
  • Sandsear Cave
  • Rocky Cave

Rhyhorn can also be found at the Big Bluff Cavern once you’ve unlocked the National Dex. 

Where to Catch a Rhydon in Pokemon BDSP

Rhydon can be found at the same locations as a Rhyhorn although they are somewhat rarer. 

However, alongside Route 227 and Stark Mountain, Rhydon can also be found at Route 228.

You can also catch one in the Grand Underground at the following locations once you’ve obtained the National Dex:

  • Big Bluff Cavern
  • Spacious Cave
  • Sandsear Cave
  • Rocky Cave

How to Get Rhyperior in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

To get a Rhyperior in Pokemon BDSP, simply level up your Rhydon to level 42 and trade it to your friend while holding a Protector. 

The Protector can be found on Route 228, and it’s located to the east of the entrance. Keep moving east until you find a slope and slide down it to find the Protector. 

Give the Protector to the Rhydon you want to evolve and trade it to your friend. Once done, it’ll automatically evolve into a Rhyperior and you can then ask your friend to trade it back. 

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