How to Get Pandaemonium Gear in Final Fantasy XIV

How to Get Pandaemonium Gear in Final Fantasy XIV


With the increasing popularity of Final Fantasy XIV, more and more players are tuning in to the title to participate in various raids.Many FFXIV players across the globe are also looking forward to the next raid tier with the upcoming Heavensturn update. If you’re looking to prepare yourself for the next tier of raids, you can get yourself the normal Pandaemonium raid gear first from the previous raid tiers to get an advantage.

Here’s how you can get the Pandaemonium raid gear in Final Fantasy XIV.

How to Get Pandaemonium Raid Gear in FFXIV

Once you complete one of the Pandaemonium raids, eight pieces of loot will drop, with each item corresponding to a different set piece of the raid gear. These pieces are called unsung gear.

However, you can only get one piece of unsung gear from each stage of the raid per week. Currently, there are a total four stages in the game, which means that you are limited to only four pieces of unsung gear per week.

Once you have the required pieces of your unsung gear, you have to go to Radz-at-Han and talk to the Pandaemonium relic exchange vendor. You can then choose which class you want your raid gear for and trade in your unsung gear for the chosen pieces.

Here are the prices of all the items available on the Pandaemonium relic exchange vendor:

  • Headwear – 2 pieces
  • Chestplate – 4 pieces
  • Bracers – 2 pieces
  • Pants – 4 pieces
  • Boots – 2 pieces
  • Accessory – 1 piece
