To get Darkrai in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you first need to download the Member Card via the Mystery Gift feature.
You must do this before Saturday, 30th April since catching Darkrai is a limited-time event. If you don’t download the Member Card before this date, you’ll never be able to add Darkrai to your Pokédex!
Due to this, we recommend downloading the Member Card even if you don’t currently meet all of the requirements to catch Darkrai.
On this page:
How to get the Member Card in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
If you want to receive the Member Card item in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you must first unlock the Mystery Gift feature.

After doing so, or if you already have Mystery Gift unlocked, make sure you download the Member Card before Saturday, 30th April at 8:28pm (local time). When this date has passed, you’ll no longer be able to receive the Member Card and, in turn, catch Darkrai.
You’ll need an Internet connection to download the Member Card and, thankfully, you don’t need a Nintendo Switch Online membership.
Finally, it’s important to remember that, while you can only catch Darkrai in the post-game, you can download the Member Card at any point in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. You must have also found the Lunar Wing.
Even if you’re yet to reach the post-game content, we highly recommend downloading the Member Card to ensure you can catch Darkrai in the future.
When you’re ready, download the Member Card using the following steps:
- Start Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl
- Begin playing the game and open the X menu
- Select ‘Mystery Gift’
- Select ‘Get via Internet’ and connect to the Internet
- Select ‘Member Card’ from the gift list
- Member Card will now appear in the Key Items pocket of your inventory

We recommend saving your game after you’ve downloaded the Member Card.
How to get the Lunar Wing in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Before you can catch Darkrai in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl – even if you’re in the post-game – you must first get the Lunar Wing. If you’ve already done this, head to the next section.
To find the Lunar Wing, you must first visit Sailor Eldritch’s House in the south-west corner of Canalave City. Head inside the house and interact with the sleeping boy; he’s trapped in an endless nightmare and is muttering about something dark.

Afterwards, head back outside and talk to Sailor Eldritch – who is standing to the right of the house – and he’ll ask you to visit Fullmoon Island, so you can find the Lunar Feather for him.

On Fullmoon Island, follow the patch until you reach a clearing containing Cresselia. When you interact with this Pokémon, it will vanish and start roaming the Sinnoh region. If you want to catch it, you’ll need to track it down using the map on your Pokétech.

Thankfully, it will leave behind the Lunar Wing, which you now need to return to Sailor Eldritch’s son in Canalave City. Interact with the boy in the bed again and your Lunar Wing will wake him up.
With this accomplished, you can either hunt down Cresselia or catch Darkrai.
It’s time to revisit Sinnoh! Our now complete Diamond and Pearl walkthrough to the main story is where to start. Your journey begins with selecting your starter Pokémon near Twinleaf Town, before visiting Sandgem Town and Jubilife City. To become a Pokémon Master, you need to defeat the Gym Leaders in Oreburgh City, Eterna City, Veilstone City, Pastoria City and Hearthome City, along with three others.
Aside from badges, you’ll want to grab Mystery Gift codes, complete the Sinnoh Pokédex by using Honey Trees, visiting the Great Marsh and the Pokémon Hideaways in the Grand Underground. Take the time to catch Gible, Spiritomb andDrifloon!
Finally, you can now catch Arceus.
How to get Darkrai in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
To get Darkrai in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you must have first entered the Hall of Fame by defeating the Elite Four and unlocked the National Pokédex. You must have also found the Lunar Wing, which is explained in the section above.
Before catching Darkrai, we recommend buying some healing items and preferred Poké Balls – Ultra Balls are an excellent choice.
It’s also a good idea to buy some Awakenings, because Darkrai knows Hypnosis. If Darkrai does put on one of your Pokémon to sleep, its ability – Bad Dreams – will come into effect and a small amount of its health will be drained every turn.
Once you’ve accomplished the feats explained above and downloaded the Member Card, head to the Harbor Inn in Canalave City, which is located directly behind the Pokémon Centre.

Upon entering, you’ll be met by a rather unsettling man who will lead you to the bed and, after falling asleep, you’ll wake on Newmoon Island. Follow the path until you reach Darkrai.

Darkrai is Level 50 and is weak to bug, fairy and fighting-type moves.
When it comes to battling Darkrai, you can choose to use Pokémon which are lower than Level 50, but can use moves which Darkrai is weak against. This will help ensure you don’t accidently knock it out. On the other hand, you can use Pokémon with levels higher than 50 and use moves which Darkrai isn’t weak against and chip away at its health.
It’s also a good idea to either put Darkrai to sleep or paralyse it to prevent it from attacking your Pokémon as often.

After you’ve caught or defeated Darkrai, you’ll awaken in the Harbor Inn – alone.
Good luck catching Darkrai in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl!