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Doomfist may not be an actual DPS now, but that doesn’t mean he’s any less irritating. Need some help on how you can beat Doomfistin Overwatch 2? We’ve got you covered.
How To Counter Doomfist In Overwatch 2
As tankers as a tank, we should avoid being the “plant your feet and stand with an armour” kind of. Heroes such as Reinhardt or Sigma are not to be avoided. Doomfist’s entire gimmick is cause a rift in his position.
To combat the Doomfist, we’re looking for tanks that have crowd control, or at least compete with his agility. Wrecking Ball as well as Winston are excellent alternatives to fight Doomfist or be capable of engage him in a counter-attack.Since her recent adjustments, Orisa isn’t an awful option.
The Energy Javelin is an interesting alternative to combat the Doomfist when he is able to Rocket Punch into, Javelin spin and Fortify are both excellent counters to his backline pressure. Think of her as an alternative choice for thin maps and flat ones.
When you’re sitting right next to them, and you’ll have a few more unconventional choices like Roadhog as well as Junker Queen.
Both heroes are able to play a solo role in a game and stop the Doomfist’s to move. This is a bit more difficult, but approach it cautiously.
Tracer is an excellent option to beat Doomfist. Tracer does a lot of damage. She is able to chase him down when he is freed and is a great target for keep using Pulse Bomb. Tracer is a good alternative to Doomfist in Overwatch 2.
There are many Overwatch League teams will attempt to demonstrate the reasons why or how Sombra could help against Doomfist.
However, since her Hack only stifling Doomfist’s capabilities for a moment, it’s probably too complicated to be used on the ladder of rank or in fast-paced games.
In reality, you’re looking at heroes that have good defensive options or who are extremely mobile. Genji, Echo, Pharah all have enough shrewdness to dodge and move into positions that limit Doomfist’s range of attack.
On the other hand heroes such as Mei and Reaper are also difficult targets but require more specific scenarios. These heroes are in maps which are wider and more flat–sort of similar to Orisa!
Mei’s Cyro-Freeze and Ice Wall give you great tools to counter the Doomfist. Reaper’s Hellfire Shotguns as well as Wraith Walk guard you against offensive and threatening techniques.
Strangely enough, support offers several options for countering the Doomfist game in Overwatch 2 – but there are some choices to avoid.
Zenyatta? It’s not a good thing. The system is too static and Snap Kick may assist, any type of follow-up put Zenyatta at risk.
Baptiste is a strong player right now and has the potential to be effective, but generally, he requires proper position to gain value. Consider Immortality Field, Amplification Matrix Everything!
His allies need to be inside a specific location at a certain date or else he’s the equivalent of a glorified DPS. Doomfist is a nightmare to achieve.
Ana is, yet again, is the queen of this battle. Sleep Dart and offensive Biotec Grenades make it hard for the adversaries Doomfist to take on the Doomfist in a safe manner.
Any of her talents puts Doomfist in a difficult situation. The combination of both could write Doomfist off completely.
Brigitte’s Whipshot isn’t something to put your hopes on. While she’s not able to directly fight Doomfist within Overwatch 2, her displacement tools are great alternatives.
Lucio is also included! Although Doomfist is great in disrupting, if you are able to interfere with him, you’re already at the top of the list.
Moira was a great match for an excellent Doomfist during Overwatch 2, but with her new Necrotic Orb she’s a secure counter, too. She can get with a damage reduction of 75% as well as having Fade as an option to Doomfist’s engagement options.
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