Learn more about the specific Legends Augments and how to make the best use of them.
One of the new and exciting mechanics of TFT Set 9: Runeterra Reforged is the Legends players get to choose before starting a game, which affects what augments they will see in-game. Each of the 15 TFT Legends will give players one fallback option during each augment selection stage, which is supposed to prevent them from low roll moments according to the TFT’s Lead Designer Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer.
Players can come into a game with a plan already in mind and execute on it with the Legend Augments. Depending on your preferred playstyle, you can choose augments that will give you XP and gold to accelerate your pace, gold and free rolls to star your champions or more stats to make your army stronger. There is even a Poro Legend for players who don’t want to curate their augments.
But keep in mind, these TFT Legends are at their strongest when you pick an augment on Stage 2-1. At later stages, 3-2 and 4-2, Legend Augments will be slightly weaker since they are guaranteed to show up, and they will be more generic compared to early options.
TFT Legends that will give you more items
Gain items, Radiant items or even starred-up units when you reach certain thresholds.

- Stage 2-1
- Caretaker’s Ally (Silver)
- Caretaker’s Favor (Gold)
- Caretaker’s Chosen (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Small Forge (Silver)
- Medium Forge (Gold)
- Large Forge (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Teaming Up I (Silver)
- Teaming Up II (Gold)
- Teaming Up III (Prismatic)
This Legend gives you access to more items in the early game, which you can use it to winstreak for slamming strong early game items or scale better by having best-in-slot item combinations for your carries.

- Stage 2-1
- Buried Treasures I (Silver)
- Buried Treasures II (Gold)
- Buried Treasures III (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Tiny Grab Bag (Silver)
- Big Grab Bag (Gold)
- Giant Grab Bag (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Well-Earned Comforts I (Silver)
- Well-Earned Comforts II (Gold)
- Well-Earned Comforts III (Prismatic)
Ornn is a straightforward one. On 2-1, every Legend Augment will give you an Ornn item, which is stronger than regular items. But in later stages, you will need a Prismatic for a chance at an Ornn item.

- Stage 2-1
- Latent Forge (Silver)
- Portable Forge (Gold)
- Living Forge (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Small Forge (Silver)
- Medium Forge (Gold)
- Large Forge (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Job’s Done (Silver)
- Job Well Done (Gold)
- Masterful Job (Prismatic)
Twisted Fate
Much like Ezreal, Twisted Fate also gives you more early items. The difference is you will get fewer components upfront, but will have access to the Pandora’s Box effect to always get your desired items.

- Stage 2-1
- Pandora’s Items (Silver)
- Pandora’s Items II (Gold)
- Pandora’s Box (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Item Grab Bag I (Silver)
- Item Grab Bag II (Gold)
- Item Grab Bag III (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Teaming Up I (Silver)
- Teaming Up II (Gold)
- Teaming Up III (Prismatic)
Do you like to play vertical comps or try out different emblem-champion combos? With Urf you can guarantee yourself an early emblem.

- Stage 2-1
- Branching Out (Silver)
- Ancient Archives I (Gold)
- Ancient Archives II (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Tiny Grab Bag (Silver)
- Big Grab Bag (Gold)
- Giant Grab Bag (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Final Grab Bag (Silver)
- Final Grab Bag II (Gold)
- Urf’s Grab Bag (Prismatic)
Going fast 9!
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol is the ultimate Legend for those who love playing 5-cost comps. Every 2-1 Augment for Aurelion Sol will allow you to reach Level 10 while giving you a lot of XP.

- Stage 2-1
- Cutting Corners (Silver)
- Patient Study (Gold)
- Level Up! (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Knowledge Download I (Silver)
- Knowledge Download II (Gold)
- Knowledge Download III (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- It Pays To Learn (Silver)
- It Pays To Learn II (Gold)
- It Pays To Learn III (Prismatic)
If you are confident in your ability to winstreak early game and snowball the lobby, this Legend is perfect for you.

- Stage 2-1
- Spoils of War I (Silver)
- Spoils of War II (Gold)
- Spoils of War III (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Balanced Budget (Silver)
- Balanced Budget II (Gold)
- Balanced Budget III (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Rolling For Days I (Silver)
- Rolling For Days II (Gold)
- Rolling For Days III (Prismatic)
The opposite side of the coin from Draven, Pengu is for those who would rather lose streak while building their econ.

- Stage 2-1
- Tiny Titans (Silver)
- Metabolic Accelerator (Gold)
- Tiniest Titan (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Item Grab Bag I (Silver)
- Item Grab Bag II (Gold)
- Item Grab Bag III (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Final Grab Bag (Silver)
- Final Grab Bag II (Gold)
- Urf’s Grab Bag (Prismatic)
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench is looking like one of the most fun Legends in the Set. It is all about gold and using interest to generate more gold.

- Stage 2-1
- AFK (Silver)
- Rich Get Richer (Gold)
- Hedge Fund (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Balanced Budget (Silver)
- Balanced Budget II (Gold)
- Balanced Budget III (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Money! (Silver)
- Money Money! (Gold)
- Money Money Money! (Prismatic)
Combat power through units or stats
Caitlyn is great when you want a strong higher tier unit to give you direction and build your comp around. Although it is much more reliant on early winstreaks compared to other Legends in this category since you won’t have a lot of combat stats.

- Stage 2-1
- One Twos Three (Silver)
- Stars are Born (Gold)
- Starter Kit (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Knowledge Download I (Silver)
- Knowledge Download II (Gold)
- Knowledge Download III (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Rolling For Days I (Silver)
- Rolling For Days II (Gold)
- Rolling For Days III (Prismatic)
Lee Sin
Lee Sin is the Legend for the reroll players. All the Lee Sin Legend Augments will either give you a free roll or Duplicators to three star your champions.

- Stage 2-1
- On a Roll (Silver)
- Trade Sector (Gold)
- Shopping Spree (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Training Reward (Silver)
- Training Reward II (Gold)
- Training Reward III (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Money! (Silver)
- Money Money! (Gold)
- Money Money Money! (Prismatic)
Master Yi
Although weak in the early game, Master Yi’s Legend Augments scale massively with every round, turning your composition into a late-game powerhouse.

- Stage 2-1
- Pumping Up I (Silver)
- Pumping Up II (Gold)
- Pumping Up III (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Battle Ready (Silver)
- Battle Ready II (Gold)
- Battle Ready III (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Gotta Go Fast! (Silver)
- Gotta Go Fast! II (Gold)
- Gotta Go Fast! III (Prismatic)
Veigar offers the more generic but stable at all stages combat augments that provide your team comp with extra damage.

- Stage 2-1
- Jeweled Lotus I (Silver)
- Jeweled Lotus II (Gold)
- Jeweled Lotus III (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Tiny Power I (Silver)
- Tiny Power II (Gold)
- Tiny Power III (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Partial Ascension (Silver)
- Ascension (Gold)
- Final Ascension (Prismatic)
Similar to Master Yi, but more of a defensive option. Instead of stacking Attack Speed, Vladimir gives bonus Health to your champions.

- Stage 2-1
- Transfusion I (Silver)
- Transfusion II (Gold)
- Transfusion III (Prismatic)
- Stage 3-2
- Battle Ready (Silver)
- Battle Ready II (Gold)
- Battle Ready III (Prismatic)
- Stage 4-2
- Partial Ascension (Silver)
- Ascension (Gold)
- Final Ascension (Prismatic)
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