Lucy walking into a derelict room

How do the Fallout show’s Vault suits look so good? Niche Italian fabric, it turns out

I’ve never seen anyone look as good in a Vault suit as the actors in the Fallout show. The licensed Vault-Tec jumpsuits you can get from costume stores are spandex disasters, but even the more expensive Vault suits aimed at cosplayers look a bit pajama-like. The show’s jumpsuits, however, are form-fitting without being superhero-tight, yet don’t seem to limit movement whatsoever—they look comfy, but also cool, or at least as cool as a blue and yellow jumpsuit that designates you as a sheltered nerd can look.

Well, there’s a reason. Vault 33’s main sartorial advantage was of course having a team of expert costumers on hand to custom make their outfits, but those retro sci-fi tailors also had a secret weapon: hard-to-get Italian fabric.