Hippogriff statue surrounded by braziers

Hogwarts Legacy: The Hippogriff Marks the Spot quest solution


As you head further south in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll come across a quest called The Hippogriff Marks the Spot which leads you on a treasure hunt. If you’ve completed the Solved by the Bell (opens in new tab) questline then you’ll be familiar with the area, but if not, here’s where you can find Henrietta’s Hideaway to solve the Hippogriff puzzle and get your loot.

Where to find Henrietta’s Map 

You’ll need to head to Poidsear Castle to find the treasure map, specifically to a bandit camp near the Floo Flame. If you zoom in on the map a quest marker should appear, so track the quest to find the exact location. You can use Disillusionment to sneak in and retrieve the map without a fight or clear the area of enemies first, it’s up to you. You’ll find the map scroll on a table in one of the large tents. 

Where to find Henrietta’s Hideaway 

