hogwarts legacy

Hogwarts Legacy review-in-progress: It’d be a lot easier to dismiss Hogwarts Legacy if it weren’t so good


Editor’s note: This story represents our review-in-progress of Hogwarts Legacy, a game that has been immersed in controversy (opens in new tab) over the last several years. We believe that no game releases “in a vacuum,” and that the social context that a game exists in is part of its experience and something worth sharing with readers, lest we reduce games to the trivial toys they were once perceived as. We’ll finalize our Hogwarts Legacy review once we finish playing. —Evan Lahti, Global Editor-in-Chief ([email protected])

I was over 20 hours into Hogwarts Legacy before it revealed that, on top of being an expansive RPG with skill trees, wizard combat, crafting, environmental puzzles, and loads of sidequests, it’s also a quaint home decorating game with a splash of zoo management. This is a much larger game than I think anyone was anticipating and I’m continually surprised by how good each individual element is so far.

