Hogwarts Legacy - A Gryffindor student holds his wand up while standing in Hogsmeade.

Hogwarts Legacy players discover a hugely OP secret weapon: cabbage


Hogwarts Legacy (opens in new tab) is a game about going to school to learn to cast magical spells so you can commit horrific acts of violence (opens in new tab) at a rate not often seen in tween-oriented coming-of-age tales. But if you really want to kick ass, you might want to forgo magic in favor of something a little more vegan.

Chinese Chomping Cabbages are a magical plant that, as their name suggests, like to bite. The Harry Potter wiki (opens in new tab) says they have “the ability to chomp on foods, such as carrots,” but it also quotes Professor Pomona Sprout as warning her fifth-year herbology students that they’ll need to learn “how to avoid getting chomped by the Chinese Chomping Cabbage,” effectively confirming that that they’ll munch on pretty much anything that comes into range.

