Hogwarts Legacy Phoenix in a mine

Hogwarts Legacy Phoenix location: Where to find the fantastic beast


The Hogwarts Legacy Phoenix is the rarest creature that you can capture and keep in your Room of Requirement (opens in new tab), letting you feed and groom it in order to collect the valuable Phoenix Feathers material. But here’s the thing: unlike most other magical creatures, you won’t be finding the Phoenix in just any old den. Instead, like the Graphorn Mount (opens in new tab), this flame-feathered bird has some specific requirements you’ve got to meet before you can find it.

If you’re still exploring the Highlands, you might want to know how to complete the Solved by the Bell (opens in new tab) and Cursed Tomb Treasure (opens in new tab) quests to get the special Treasure-Seeker’s outfit. Otherwise, here’s where to find the Hogwarts Legacy Phoenix so you can bring it back to your Room of Requirement. 

Hogwarts Legacy Phoenix location 

The Phoenix cave is in the Poidsear Coast region (Image credit: Portkey Games)

The Phoenix isn’t to be found in any of the creature dens across the Highlands, but is instead linked to a specific quest. After you’ve unlocked the Room of Requirement, you’ll receive a series of sidequests with Deek where he introduces you to the Nab-Sack and how to catch beasts so you can rescue them from Rookwood’s poachers. 

