Hogwarts Legacy fast travel - a green glowing Floo Flame is to the left of the character as she looks into the common room.

Hogwarts Legacy map: How to fast travel


Hogwarts Legacy fast travel is a lifesaver, especially when you see just how vast the map is, both in and around the famous school. Before you unlock your trusty broom (opens in new tab) to help you get around, you’ll be introduced to Floo Flames, a network that lets you travel to different locations in a flash.

When exploring the Hogwarts Legacy map fully, you’ll have a lot of ground to cover, and the Floo Flame network can be very useful throughout the game. So without further ado, here’s what you need to know about Hogwarts Legacy fast travel so getting around the map can be that much easier.

How to fast travel in Hogwarts Legacy 

