Hogwarts Legacy Field Guide pages - a flurry of book pages swirl in the air between two people

Hogwarts Legacy Field Guide pages: Every way to get them


Field Guide pages are a type of collectible in Hogwarts Legacy, and you’ll gain XP for each one you find. These pages won’t be in plain sight, but by using spells like Revelio, you’ll be able to snag different types of pages when you’re out and about in Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and beyond. Some pages, such as the ones you get with Accio, Levioso, or Incendio will just give XP, but those that appear when you use Revelio offer a nice little lore entry about their object or room.

There are many to find throughout the vast open world of the Hogwarts universe, so it’s a good idea to unlock your broom (opens in new tab) before you start searching further afield. This guide doesn’t list every location—instead, I’ll tell you what to look out for so you can start collecting the Hogwarts Legacy Field Guide pages as you play.

Hogwarts Legacy Field Guide pages 

