Heroic streamer plays Getting Over It with motion-controlled hammer and a cauldron

Heroic streamer plays Getting Over It with motion-controlled hammer and a cauldron


German streamer HandOfBlood has broken new ground in the arms race of gamers who use increasingly absurd controllers. The influencer recently played the notoriously challenging Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy using a motion controller embedded in a floppy foam hammer, while also contorting himself in a black cauldron like the game’s protagonist.

This is not, I must stress, “Getting Over It in real life.” That would require a level of upper body strength and endurance on par with an Olympic kayaker or Paralympic rower, as well as an indestructible hammer and an inadvisable disregard for insurance liability. No, this is simply the latest entry in the honorable lineage of gamers going at it with weird controllers, like Anna Ellsworth playing Elden Ring with a harp, or SuperLouis64 tackling various Souls games with a Ring Fit motion controller.

