Here's the lowdown on Rainbow Six Siege's newest operator

Here’s the lowdown on Rainbow Six Siege’s newest operator


Rainbow Six Siege is ready for a new season, this time titled High Calibre. There’s a whole host of changes coming, but the headline is undoubtedly the new Irish operator, Thorn. 

Thorn is a defensive operator who is going to be an enormous problem for many attackers as they approach a site. Her unique ability, Razorbloom, is a proximity mine that can be placed anywhere. If an attacker gets too close, they will hear a high pitched whirr before a potentially lethal explosion of razor blades hail onto a player.

If an attacker is too close, they won’t be getting out alive. There will be a moment to locate and destroy the gadget, but it will be just a moment. However, as insurance, a defender could be watching, ready to shoot whoever trips the Razorbloom as they frantically try to disable it.

Rainbow Six Siege

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Thorn is also coming in hot with a brand new weapon—the UZK50GI. This SMG can shred enemy operators, of course, but has the added utility of being able to tear open walls to create new sightlines. However, if you want to get up close and personal, Thorn can also bring an M870 shotgun to proceedings. 
